Navne og skel - Skellet mellem navne
Navne og skel – Skellet mellem navne. Rapport fra Den femtende nordiske navneforskerkongres på Askov Højskole 6.–9. juni 2012. Bind 1 og 2. Redigeret af Birgit Eggert og Rikke S. Olesen under medvirken af Bent Jørgensen (Names and borders –The border between names. Proceedings from The 15th Nordic Name Research Congress in Askov, June 2015. Vol. 1 and 2. Edited by Birgit Eggert, Rikke S. Olesen in collaboration with Bent Jørgensen). NORNA-rapporter 91. 275 + 267 pp. Uppsala 2015. ISBN 978-91-7276-090-5 (vol. 1) and 978-91-7276-091-2 (vol. 2).
The 15th Nordic Name Research Congress was held in Askov in South Jutland, Denmark, from the 6th to the 9th of June 2012. The congress was arranged by the Name Research Section at the Department of Nordic Research at the University of Copenhagen. Personal names, place-names, ship names, commercial names, urban names and other onomastic topics connected to the congress theme “Names and borders – The border between names” – in addition to methodological and theoretical problems were discussed by the 59 participants from Denmark, the Faroe Islands, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The congress proceedings contain 30 of the 38 congress papers plus 3 papers that were unfortunately prevented from being read at the congress.
Keywords: congress proceedings, proper names, onomastics, name research, place-names, personal names, name definition, name variation, urban names, ship names.